import os,json,sys,wmi from cloudbaseinit.osutils import factory as osutils_factory from cloudbaseinit.utils import network def load_json_variable(file_path,variable): file = open(file_path) data = json.load(file) file.close() return data.get(variable) def find_drive(file_path): for number in range(65,91): drive_letter = chr(number) if os.path.exists(drive_letter+file_path): return drive_letter+file_path print("\n Searched file could not be found on any drive with path:" + file_path) return False def get_name_by_mac(mac): osutils = osutils_factory.get_os_utils() name = osutils.get_network_adapter_name_by_mac_address(mac) return name def activate_dhcp(name, family): osutils = osutils_factory.get_os_utils() osutils._fix_network_adapter_dhcp(name, True, family) # variables meta_data_path = find_drive(":\OPENSTACK\LATEST\META_DATA.json") # 2 for ipv4 and 6 for ipv6 family = 2 # execute if meta_data_path != "False": macs = load_json_variable(meta_data_path,"dhcp") for mac in macs: name = get_name_by_mac(mac) activate_dhcp(name, family) else: sys.exit(0)