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package PVE::QemuServer::Cloudinit;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
use Digest::SHA;
use URI::Escape;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
use PVE::Tools qw(run_command file_set_contents);
use PVE::Storage;
use PVE::QemuServer;
use constant CLOUDINIT_DISK_SIZE => 4 * 1024 * 1024; # 4MiB in bytes
sub commit_cloudinit_disk {
my ($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid, $files, $label) = @_;
my $path = "/run/pve/cloudinit/$vmid/";
mkpath $path;
foreach my $filepath (keys %$files) {
if ($filepath !~ m@^(.*)\/[^/]+$@) {
die "internal error: bad file name in cloud-init image: $filepath\n";
my $dirname = $1;
mkpath "$path/$dirname";
my $contents = $files->{$filepath};
file_set_contents("$path/$filepath", $contents);
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $iso_path = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $drive->{file});
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $storeid);
my $format = PVE::QemuServer::qemu_img_format($scfg, $volname);
my $size = eval { PVE::Storage::volume_size_info($storecfg, $drive->{file}) };
if (!defined($size) || $size <= 0) {
$volname =~ m/(vm-$vmid-cloudinit(.\Q$format\E)?)/;
my $name = $1;
$size = 4 * 1024;
PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($storecfg, $storeid, $vmid, $format, $name, $size);
$size *= 1024; # vdisk alloc takes KB, qemu-img dd's osize takes byte
my $plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
$plugin->activate_volume($storeid, $scfg, $volname);
print "generating cloud-init ISO\n";
eval {
['genisoimage', '-quiet', '-iso-level', '3', '-R', '-V', $label, $path],
['qemu-img', 'dd', '-n', '-f', 'raw', '-O', $format, 'isize=0', "osize=$size", "of=$iso_path"]
my $err = $@;
die $err if $err;
sub get_cloudinit_format {
my ($conf) = @_;
if (defined(my $format = $conf->{citype})) {
return $format;
# No format specified, default based on ostype because windows'
# cloudbased-init only supports configdrivev2, whereas on linux we need
# to use mac addresses because regular cloudinit doesn't map 'ethX' to
# the new predicatble network device naming scheme.
if (defined(my $ostype = $conf->{ostype})) {
return 'configdrive2'
if PVE::QemuServer::windows_version($ostype);
return 'nocloud';
sub get_hostname_fqdn {
my ($conf, $vmid) = @_;
my $hostname = $conf->{name} // "VM$vmid";
my $fqdn;
if ($hostname =~ /\./) {
$fqdn = $hostname;
$hostname =~ s/\..*$//;
} elsif (my $search = $conf->{searchdomain}) {
$fqdn = "$hostname.$search";
return ($hostname, $fqdn);
sub get_dns_conf {
my ($conf) = @_;
# Same logic as in pve-container, but without the testcase special case
my $host_resolv_conf = PVE::INotify::read_file('resolvconf');
my $searchdomains = [
split(/\s+/, $conf->{searchdomain} // $host_resolv_conf->{search})
my $nameserver = $conf->{nameserver};
if (!defined($nameserver)) {
$nameserver = [grep { $_ } $host_resolv_conf->@{qw(dns1 dns2 dns3)}];
} else {
$nameserver = [split(/\s+/, $nameserver)];
return ($searchdomains, $nameserver);
sub cloudinit_userdata {
my ($conf, $vmid) = @_;
my ($hostname, $fqdn) = get_hostname_fqdn($conf, $vmid);
my $content = "#cloud-config\n";
$content .= "hostname: $hostname\n";
$content .= "manage_etc_hosts: true\n";
$content .= "fqdn: $fqdn\n" if defined($fqdn);
my $username = $conf->{ciuser};
my $password = $conf->{cipassword};
$content .= "user: $username\n" if defined($username);
$content .= "disable_root: False\n" if defined($username) && $username eq 'root';
$content .= "password: $password\n" if defined($password);
if (defined(my $keys = $conf->{sshkeys})) {
$keys = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($keys);
$keys = [map { my $key = $_; chomp $key; $key } split(/\n/, $keys)];
$keys = [grep { /\S/ } @$keys];
$content .= "ssh_authorized_keys:\n";
foreach my $k (@$keys) {
$content .= " - $k\n";
$content .= "chpasswd:\n";
$content .= " expire: False\n";
if (!defined($username) || $username ne 'root') {
$content .= "users:\n";
$content .= " - default\n";
$content .= "package_upgrade: true\n";
return $content;
sub split_ip4 {
my ($ip) = @_;
my ($addr, $mask) = split('/', $ip);
die "not a CIDR: $ip\n" if !defined $mask;
return ($addr, $PVE::Network::ipv4_reverse_mask->[$mask]);
sub configdrive2_network {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $content = "auto lo\n";
$content .= "iface lo inet loopback\n\n";
my ($searchdomains, $nameservers) = get_dns_conf($conf);
## support windows
my $ostype = $conf->{"ostype"};
my $default_dns = '';
my $default_search = '';
my $dnsinserted = 0; # insert dns just once for the machine
if ($nameservers && @$nameservers) {
$nameservers = join(' ', @$nameservers);
$content .= " dns_nameservers $nameservers\n";
$default_dns = $nameservers; # Support windows
if ($searchdomains && @$searchdomains) {
$searchdomains = join(' ', @$searchdomains);
$content .= " dns_search $searchdomains\n";
$default_search = $searchdomains; # Support Windows
my @ifaces = grep { /^net(\d+)$/ } keys %$conf;
foreach my $iface (sort @ifaces) {
(my $id = $iface) =~ s/^net//;
next if !$conf->{"ipconfig$id"};
my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_ipconfig($conf->{"ipconfig$id"});
$id = "eth$id";
$content .="auto $id\n";
if ($net->{ip}) {
if ($net->{ip} eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "iface $id inet dhcp\n";
} else {
my ($addr, $mask) = split_ip4($net->{ip});
$content .= "iface $id inet static\n";
$content .= " address $addr\n";
$content .= " netmask $mask\n";
$content .= " gateway $net->{gw}\n" if $net->{gw};
## Support Windows
if(PVE::QemuServer::windows_version($ostype) && not($dnsinserted)) {
$content .= " dns-nameservers $default_dns\n";
$content .= " dns-search $default_search\n";
if ($net->{ip6}) {
if ($net->{ip6} =~ /^(auto|dhcp)$/) {
$content .= "iface $id inet6 $1\n";
} else {
my ($addr, $mask) = split('/', $net->{ip6});
$content .= "iface $id inet6 static\n";
$content .= " address $addr\n";
$content .= " netmask $mask\n";
$content .= " gateway $net->{gw6}\n" if $net->{gw6};
return $content;
# Get mac addresses of dhcp nics from conf file
sub get_mac_addresses {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $dhcpstring = undef;
my @dhcpmacs = ();
my @ifaces = grep { /^net(\d+)$/ } keys %$conf;
foreach my $iface (sort @ifaces) {
(my $id = $iface) =~ s/^net//;
my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_net($conf->{$iface});
next if !$conf->{"ipconfig$id"};
my $ipconfig = PVE::QemuServer::parse_ipconfig($conf->{"ipconfig$id"});
my $mac = lc $net->{macaddr};
if (($ipconfig->{ip}) and ($ipconfig->{ip} eq 'dhcp')){
push @dhcpmacs, $mac;
if (@dhcpmacs){
$dhcpstring = ",\n \"dhcp\":[";
foreach my $mac (@dhcpmacs){
if ($mac != $dhcpmacs[-1]){
$dhcpstring .= "\"$mac\",";
$dhcpstring .= "\"$mac\"]";
return ($dhcpstring);
sub configdrive2_gen_metadata {
my ($conf, $vmid, $user, $network) = @_;
# Get mac addresses of dhcp nics from conf file
my $dhcpmacs = undef;
$dhcpmacs = get_mac_addresses($conf);
# Get UUID
my $uuid_str = Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($user.$network);
# Get hostname
my ($hostname, $fqdn) = get_hostname_fqdn($conf, $vmid);
# Get username, default to Administrator if none
my $username = undef;
if (defined($conf->{ciuser})){
my $name = $conf->{ciuser};
$username = ",\n \"admin_username\": \"$name\""
# Get user password
my $password = $conf->{cipassword};
# Get ssh keys and make a list out of it in json format
my $keystring = undef;
my $pubkeys = $conf->{sshkeys};
$pubkeys = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($pubkeys);
my @pubkeysarray = split "\n", $pubkeys;
if (@pubkeysarray) {
my $arraylength = @pubkeysarray;
my $incrementer = 1;
$keystring =",\n \"public_keys\": {\n";
for my $key (@pubkeysarray){
$keystring .= " \"SSH${incrementer}\" : \"${key}\"";
if ($arraylength != $incrementer){
$keystring .= ",\n";
$keystring .= "\n }";
return configdrive2_metadata($password, $uuid_str, $hostname, $username, $keystring, $network, $dhcpmacs);
sub configdrive2_metadata {
my ($password, $uuid, $hostname, $username, $pubkeys, $network, $dhcpmacs) = @_;
return <<"EOF";
"admin_pass": "$password"$username
sub generate_configdrive2 {
my ($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid) = @_;
my ($user_data, $network_data, $meta_data, $vendor_data) = get_custom_cloudinit_files($conf);
$user_data = cloudinit_userdata($conf, $vmid) if !defined($user_data);
$network_data = configdrive2_network($conf) if !defined($network_data);
if (!defined($meta_data)) {
$meta_data = configdrive2_gen_metadata($conf, $vmid, $user_data, $network_data);
# we always allocate a 4MiB disk for cloudinit and with the overhead of the ISO
# make sure we always stay below it by keeping the sum of all files below 3 MiB
my $sum = length($user_data) + length($network_data) + length($meta_data) + length($vendor_data);
die "Cloud-Init sum of snippets too big (> 3 MiB)\n" if $sum > (3 * 1024 * 1024);
my $files = {
'/openstack/latest/user_data' => $user_data,
'/openstack/content/0000' => $network_data,
'/openstack/latest/meta_data.json' => $meta_data,
'/openstack/latest/vendor_data.json' => $vendor_data
commit_cloudinit_disk($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid, $files, 'config-2');
sub generate_opennebula {
my ($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid) = @_;
my $content = "";
my $username = $conf->{ciuser} || "root";
$content .= "USERNAME=$username\n" if defined($username);
if (defined(my $password = $conf->{cipassword})) {
$content .= "CRYPTED_PASSWORD_BASE64=". encode_base64($password) ."\n";
if (defined($conf->{sshkeys})) {
my $keys = [ split(/\s*\n\s*/, URI::Escape::uri_unescape($conf->{sshkeys})) ];
$content .= "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=\"". join("\n", $keys->@*) ."\"\n";
my ($hostname, $fqdn) = get_hostname_fqdn($conf, $vmid);
$content .= "SET_HOSTNAME=$hostname\n";
my ($searchdomains, $nameservers) = get_dns_conf($conf);
$content .= 'DNS="' . join(' ', @$nameservers) ."\"\n" if $nameservers && @$nameservers;
$content .= 'SEARCH_DOMAIN="'. join(' ', @$searchdomains) ."\"\n" if $searchdomains && @$searchdomains;
my $networkenabled = undef;
my @ifaces = grep { /^net(\d+)$/ } keys %$conf;
foreach my $iface (sort @ifaces) {
(my $id = $iface) =~ s/^net//;
my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_net($conf->{$iface});
next if !$conf->{"ipconfig$id"};
my $ipconfig = PVE::QemuServer::parse_ipconfig($conf->{"ipconfig$id"});
my $ethid = "ETH$id";
my $mac = lc $net->{hwaddr};
if ($ipconfig->{ip}) {
$networkenabled = 1;
if ($ipconfig->{ip} eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${ethid}_DHCP=YES\n";
} else {
my ($addr, $mask) = split_ip4($ipconfig->{ip});
$content .= "${ethid}_IP=$addr\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_MASK=$mask\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_MAC=$mac\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_GATEWAY=$ipconfig->{gw}\n" if $ipconfig->{gw};
$content .= "${ethid}_MTU=$net->{mtu}\n" if $net->{mtu};
if ($ipconfig->{ip6}) {
$networkenabled = 1;
if ($ipconfig->{ip6} eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${ethid}_DHCP6=YES\n";
} elsif ($ipconfig->{ip6} eq 'auto') {
$content .= "${ethid}_AUTO6=YES\n";
} else {
my ($addr, $mask) = split('/', $ipconfig->{ip6});
$content .= "${ethid}_IP6=$addr\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_MASK6=$mask\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_MAC6=$mac\n";
$content .= "${ethid}_GATEWAY6=$ipconfig->{gw6}\n" if $ipconfig->{gw6};
$content .= "${ethid}_MTU=$net->{mtu}\n" if $net->{mtu};
$content .= "NETWORK=YES\n" if $networkenabled;
my $files = { '/' => $content };
commit_cloudinit_disk($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid, $files, 'CONTEXT');
sub nocloud_network_v2 {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $content = '';
my $head = "version: 2\n"
. "ethernets:\n";
my $dns_done;
my @ifaces = grep { /^net(\d+)$/ } keys %$conf;
foreach my $iface (sort @ifaces) {
(my $id = $iface) =~ s/^net//;
next if !$conf->{"ipconfig$id"};
# indentation - network interfaces are inside an 'ethernets' hash
my $i = ' ';
my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_net($conf->{$iface});
my $ipconfig = PVE::QemuServer::parse_ipconfig($conf->{"ipconfig$id"});
my $mac = $net->{macaddr}
or die "network interface '$iface' has no mac address\n";
$content .= "${i}$iface:\n";
$i .= ' ';
$content .= "${i}match:\n"
. "${i} macaddress: \"$mac\"\n"
. "${i}set-name: eth$id\n";
my @addresses;
if (defined(my $ip = $ipconfig->{ip})) {
if ($ip eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${i}dhcp4: true\n";
} else {
push @addresses, $ip;
if (defined(my $ip = $ipconfig->{ip6})) {
if ($ip eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${i}dhcp6: true\n";
} else {
push @addresses, $ip;
if (@addresses) {
$content .= "${i}addresses:\n";
$content .= "${i}- '$_'\n" foreach @addresses;
if (defined(my $gw = $ipconfig->{gw})) {
$content .= "${i}gateway4: '$gw'\n";
if (defined(my $gw = $ipconfig->{gw6})) {
$content .= "${i}gateway6: '$gw'\n";
next if $dns_done;
$dns_done = 1;
my ($searchdomains, $nameservers) = get_dns_conf($conf);
if ($searchdomains || $nameservers) {
$content .= "${i}nameservers:\n";
if (defined($nameservers) && @$nameservers) {
$content .= "${i} addresses:\n";
$content .= "${i} - '$_'\n" foreach @$nameservers;
if (defined($searchdomains) && @$searchdomains) {
$content .= "${i} search:\n";
$content .= "${i} - '$_'\n" foreach @$searchdomains;
return $head.$content;
sub nocloud_network {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $content = "version: 1\n"
. "config:\n";
my @ifaces = grep { /^net(\d+)$/ } keys %$conf;
foreach my $iface (sort @ifaces) {
(my $id = $iface) =~ s/^net//;
next if !$conf->{"ipconfig$id"};
# indentation - network interfaces are inside an 'ethernets' hash
my $i = ' ';
my $net = PVE::QemuServer::parse_net($conf->{$iface});
my $ipconfig = PVE::QemuServer::parse_ipconfig($conf->{"ipconfig$id"});
my $mac = lc($net->{macaddr})
or die "network interface '$iface' has no mac address\n";
$content .= "${i}- type: physical\n"
. "${i} name: eth$id\n"
. "${i} mac_address: '$mac'\n"
. "${i} subnets:\n";
$i .= ' ';
if (defined(my $ip = $ipconfig->{ip})) {
if ($ip eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${i}- type: dhcp4\n";
} else {
my ($addr, $mask) = split_ip4($ip);
$content .= "${i}- type: static\n"
. "${i} address: '$addr'\n"
. "${i} netmask: '$mask'\n";
if (defined(my $gw = $ipconfig->{gw})) {
$content .= "${i} gateway: '$gw'\n";
if (defined(my $ip = $ipconfig->{ip6})) {
if ($ip eq 'dhcp') {
$content .= "${i}- type: dhcp6\n";
} elsif ($ip eq 'auto') {
# SLAAC is only supported by cloud-init since 19.4
$content .= "${i}- type: ipv6_slaac\n";
} else {
$content .= "${i}- type: static6\n"
. "${i} address: '$ip'\n";
if (defined(my $gw = $ipconfig->{gw6})) {
$content .= "${i} gateway: '$gw'\n";
my $i = ' ';
my ($searchdomains, $nameservers) = get_dns_conf($conf);
if ($searchdomains || $nameservers) {
$content .= "${i}- type: nameserver\n";
if (defined($nameservers) && @$nameservers) {
$content .= "${i} address:\n";
$content .= "${i} - '$_'\n" foreach @$nameservers;
if (defined($searchdomains) && @$searchdomains) {
$content .= "${i} search:\n";
$content .= "${i} - '$_'\n" foreach @$searchdomains;
return $content;
sub nocloud_metadata {
my ($uuid) = @_;
return "instance-id: $uuid\n";
sub nocloud_gen_metadata {
my ($user, $network) = @_;
my $uuid_str = Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($user.$network);
return nocloud_metadata($uuid_str);
sub generate_nocloud {
my ($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid) = @_;
my ($user_data, $network_data, $meta_data, $vendor_data) = get_custom_cloudinit_files($conf);
$user_data = cloudinit_userdata($conf, $vmid) if !defined($user_data);
$network_data = nocloud_network($conf) if !defined($network_data);
if (!defined($meta_data)) {
$meta_data = nocloud_gen_metadata($user_data, $network_data);
# we always allocate a 4MiB disk for cloudinit and with the overhead of the ISO
# make sure we always stay below it by keeping the sum of all files below 3 MiB
my $sum = length($user_data) + length($network_data) + length($meta_data) + length($vendor_data);
die "Cloud-Init sum of snippets too big (> 3 MiB)\n" if $sum > (3 * 1024 * 1024);
my $files = {
'/user-data' => $user_data,
'/network-config' => $network_data,
'/meta-data' => $meta_data,
'/vendor-data' => $vendor_data
commit_cloudinit_disk($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid, $files, 'cidata');
sub get_custom_cloudinit_files {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $cicustom = $conf->{cicustom};
my $files = $cicustom ? PVE::JSONSchema::parse_property_string('pve-qm-cicustom', $cicustom) : {};
my $network_volid = $files->{network};
my $user_volid = $files->{user};
my $meta_volid = $files->{meta};
my $vendor_volid = $files->{vendor};
my $storage_conf = PVE::Storage::config();
my $network_data;
if ($network_volid) {
$network_data = read_cloudinit_snippets_file($storage_conf, $network_volid);
my $user_data;
if ($user_volid) {
$user_data = read_cloudinit_snippets_file($storage_conf, $user_volid);
my $meta_data;
if ($meta_volid) {
$meta_data = read_cloudinit_snippets_file($storage_conf, $meta_volid);
my $vendor_data;
if ($vendor_volid) {
$vendor_data = read_cloudinit_snippets_file($storage_conf, $vendor_volid);
return ($user_data, $network_data, $meta_data, $vendor_data);
sub read_cloudinit_snippets_file {
my ($storage_conf, $volid) = @_;
my ($full_path, undef, $type) = PVE::Storage::path($storage_conf, $volid);
die "$volid is not in the snippets directory\n" if $type ne 'snippets';
return PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($full_path, 1 * 1024 * 1024);
my $cloudinit_methods = {
configdrive2 => \&generate_configdrive2,
nocloud => \&generate_nocloud,
opennebula => \&generate_opennebula,
sub generate_cloudinitconfig {
my ($conf, $vmid) = @_;
my $format = get_cloudinit_format($conf);
PVE::QemuConfig->foreach_volume($conf, sub {
my ($ds, $drive) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($drive->{file}, 1);
return if !$volname || $volname !~ m/vm-$vmid-cloudinit/;
my $generator = $cloudinit_methods->{$format}
or die "missing cloudinit methods for format '$format'\n";
$generator->($conf, $vmid, $drive, $volname, $storeid);
sub dump_cloudinit_config {
my ($conf, $vmid, $type) = @_;
my $format = get_cloudinit_format($conf);
if ($type eq 'user') {
return cloudinit_userdata($conf, $vmid);
} elsif ($type eq 'network') {
if ($format eq 'nocloud') {
return nocloud_network($conf);
} else {
return configdrive2_network($conf);
} else { # metadata config
my $user = cloudinit_userdata($conf, $vmid);
if ($format eq 'nocloud') {
my $network = nocloud_network($conf);
return nocloud_gen_metadata($user, $network);
} else {
my $network = configdrive2_network($conf);
return configdrive2_gen_metadata($user, $network);