You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { FunctionComponent, ReactNode } from "react";
import { BoundCanProps, Can } from "@casl/react";
import { TProjectPermission, useProjectPermission } from "@app/context/ProjectPermissionContext";
import { Tooltip } from "../v2";
type Props = {
label?: ReactNode;
} & BoundCanProps<TProjectPermission>;
export const ProjectPermissionCan: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
label = "Permission Denied. Kindly contact your org admin",
passThrough = true,
}) => {
const permission = useProjectPermission();
return (
<Can {...props} passThrough={passThrough} ability={props?.ability || permission}>
{(isAllowed, ability) => {
// akhilmhdh: This is set as type due to error in casl react type.
const finalChild =
typeof children === "function"
? children(isAllowed, ability as TProjectPermission)
: children;
if (!isAllowed && passThrough) {
return <Tooltip content={label}>{finalChild}</Tooltip>;
if (!isAllowed) return null;
return finalChild;