You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Fragment } from "react";
import { Tab } from "@headlessui/react";
import { GeneralPermissionActions, OrgPermissionSubjects } from "@app/context";
import { withPermission } from "@app/hoc";
import { BillingCloudTab } from "../BillingCloudTab";
import { BillingDetailsTab } from "../BillingDetailsTab";
import { BillingReceiptsTab } from "../BillingReceiptsTab";
import { BillingSelfHostedTab } from "../BillingSelfHostedTab";
const tabs = [
{ name: "Infisical Cloud", key: "tab-infisical-cloud" },
{ name: "Infisical Self-Hosted", key: "tab-infisical-self-hosted" },
{ name: "Receipts", key: "tab-receipts" },
{ name: "Billing details", key: "tab-billing-details" }
export const BillingTabGroup = withPermission(
() => {
return (
<Tab.List className="mt-8 mb-6 border-b-2 border-mineshaft-800">
{ => (
<Tab as={Fragment} key={tab.key}>
{({ selected }) => (
className={`w-30 py-2 mx-2 mr-4 font-medium text-sm outline-none ${
selected ? "border-b border-white text-white" : "text-mineshaft-400"
<BillingCloudTab />
<BillingSelfHostedTab />
<BillingReceiptsTab />
<BillingDetailsTab />
{ action: GeneralPermissionActions.Read, subject: OrgPermissionSubjects.Billing }