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import { TAssignOp, TDbProviderClients, TProviderFunctionTypes } from "../types";
export const POSTGRES_TEMPLATE = {
inputs: {
type: "object" as const,
properties: {
admin_username: { type: "string" as const },
admin_password: { type: "string" as const },
host: { type: "string" as const },
database: { type: "string" as const },
port: { type: "integer" as const, default: "5432" },
username1: {
type: "string",
default: "infisical-pg-user1",
desc: "This user must be created in your database"
username2: {
type: "string",
default: "infisical-pg-user2",
desc: "This user must be created in your database"
ca: { type: "string", desc: "SSL certificate for db auth(string)" }
required: [
additionalProperties: false
outputs: {
db_username: { type: "string" },
db_password: { type: "string" }
internal: {
rotated_password: { type: "string" },
username: { type: "string" }
functions: {
set: {
type: TProviderFunctionTypes.DB as const,
client: TDbProviderClients.Pg,
username: "${inputs.admin_username}",
password: "${inputs.admin_password}",
host: "${}",
database: "${inputs.database}",
port: "${inputs.port}",
ca: "${}",
query: "ALTER USER ${internal.username} WITH PASSWORD '${internal.rotated_password}'",
setter: {
"outputs.db_username": {
assign: TAssignOp.Direct as const,
value: "${internal.username}"
"outputs.db_password": {
assign: TAssignOp.Direct as const,
value: "${internal.rotated_password}"
pre: {
"internal.rotated_password": {
assign: TAssignOp.Direct as const,
value: "${random | 32}"
test: {
type: TProviderFunctionTypes.DB as const,
client: TDbProviderClients.Pg,
username: "${internal.username}",
password: "${internal.rotated_password}",
host: "${}",
database: "${inputs.database}",
port: "${inputs.port}",
ca: "${}",
query: "SELECT NOW()"