You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { TAssignOp, TProviderFunctionTypes } from "../types";
export const SENDGRID_TEMPLATE = {
inputs: {
type: "object" as const,
properties: {
admin_api_key: { type: "string" as const, desc: "Sendgrid admin api key to create new keys" },
api_key_scopes: {
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" as const },
desc: "Scopes for created tokens by rotation(Array)"
required: ["admin_api_key", "api_key_scopes"],
additionalProperties: false
outputs: {
api_key: { type: "string" }
internal: {
api_key_id: { type: "string" }
functions: {
set: {
type: TProviderFunctionTypes.HTTP as const,
url: "",
method: "POST",
header: {
Authorization: "Bearer ${inputs.admin_api_key}"
body: {
name: "infisical-${random | 16}",
scopes: { ref: "inputs.api_key_scopes" }
setter: {
"outputs.api_key": {
assign: TAssignOp.JmesPath as const,
path: "api_key"
"internal.api_key_id": {
assign: TAssignOp.JmesPath as const,
path: "api_key_id"
remove: {
type: TProviderFunctionTypes.HTTP as const,
url: "${internal.api_key_id}",
header: {
Authorization: "Bearer ${inputs.admin_api_key}"
method: "DELETE"
test: {
type: TProviderFunctionTypes.HTTP as const,
url: "${internal.api_key_id}",
header: {
Authorization: "Bearer ${inputs.admin_api_key}"
method: "GET"