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Infisical Helm Chart

This is the Infisical application Helm chart. This chart includes the following :

Service Description
backend Infisical's API
mongodb Infisical's database
redis Infisical's cache service
mailhog Infisical's development SMTP server


To install the chart, run the following :

# Add the Infisical repository
helm repo add infisical '' && helm repo update

# Install Infisical (with default values)
helm upgrade --install --atomic \
  -n infisical-dev --create-namespace \
  infisical infisical/infisical

# Install Infisical (with custom inline values, replace with your own values)
helm upgrade --install --atomic \
  -n infisical-dev --create-namespace \
  --set mongodb.enabled=false \
  --set mongodbConnection.externalMongoDBConnectionString="mongodb://<user>:<pass>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>" \
  infisical infisical/infisical

# Install Infisical (with custom values file, replace with your own values file)
helm upgrade --install --atomic \
  -n infisical-dev --create-namespace \
  -f custom-values.yaml \
  infisical infisical/infisical

Backup up encryption keys

If you did not explicitly set required environment variables, this helm chart will auto-generated them by default. It's recommended to save these credentials somewhere safe. Run the following command in your cluster where Infisical chart is installed.

This command requires jq

# export secrets to a given file (requires jq)
kubectl get secrets -n <namespace> <secret-name> \
  -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)' > \


Common parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride Override release name ""
fullnameOverride Override release fullname ""

Infisical backend parameters

Name Description Value
backend.enabled Enable backend true Backend name backend
backend.fullnameOverride Backend fullnameOverride ""
backend.podAnnotations Backend pod annotations {}
backend.deploymentAnnotations Backend deployment annotations {}
backend.replicaCount Backend replica count 2
backend.image.repository Backend image repository infisical/infisical
backend.image.tag Backend image tag latest
backend.image.pullPolicy Backend image pullPolicy IfNotPresent
backend.affinity Backend pod affinity {}
backend.kubeSecretRef Backend secret resource reference name (containing required backend configuration variables) ""
backend.service.annotations Backend service annotations {}
backend.service.type Backend service type ClusterIP
backend.service.nodePort Backend service nodePort (used if above type is NodePort) ""
backendEnvironmentVariables.ENCRYPTION_KEY Required Backend encryption key (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_SIGNUP_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_REFRESH_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_AUTH_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_SERVICE_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_MFA_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.JWT_PROVIDER_AUTH_SECRET Required Secrets to sign JWT OAuth tokens (128-bit hex value, 32-characters hex, example)
auto-generated variable (if not provided, and not found in an existing secret)
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_HOST Required Hostname to connect to for establishing SMTP connections ""
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_PORT Port to connect to for establishing SMTP connections 587
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_SECURE If true, use TLS when connecting to host. If false, TLS will be used if STARTTLS is supported false
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_FROM_NAME Name label to be used in From field (e.g. Infisical) Infisical
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS Required Email address to be used for sending emails (e.g. ""
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_USERNAME Required Credential to connect to host (e.g. ""
backendEnvironmentVariables.SMTP_PASSWORD Required Credential to connect to host ""
backendEnvironmentVariables.SITE_URL Absolute URL including the protocol (e.g. infisical.local
backendEnvironmentVariables.INVITE_ONLY_SIGNUP To disable account creation from the login page (invites only) false
backendEnvironmentVariables.MONGO_URL MongoDB connection string (external or internal)
Leave it empty for auto-generated connection string
backendEnvironmentVariables.REDIS_URL redis://redis-master:6379

MongoDB(®) parameters

Name Description Value
mongodb.enabled Enable MongoDB(®) true Name used to build variables (deprecated) mongodb
mongodb.fullnameOverride Fullname override mongodb
mongodb.nameOverride Name override mongodb
mongodb.podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
mongodb.useStatefulSet Set to true to use a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment (only when architecture: standalone) true
mongodb.architecture MongoDB(®) architecture (standalone or replicaset) standalone
mongodb.image.repository MongoDB(®) image registry bitnami/mongodb
mongodb.image.tag MongoDB(®) image tag (immutable tags are recommended) 6.0.4-debian-11-r0
mongodb.image.pullPolicy MongoDB(®) image pull policy IfNotPresent
mongodb.livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe true
mongodb.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe 30
mongodb.livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe 20
mongodb.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe 10
mongodb.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe 6
mongodb.livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe 1
mongodb.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe true
mongodb.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe 5
mongodb.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe 10
mongodb.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe 10
mongodb.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe 6
mongodb.readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe 1
mongodb.service.annotations Service annotations {}
mongodb.auth.enabled Enable custom authentication true
mongodb.auth.usernames Custom usernames list (special characters warning) ["infisical"]
mongodb.auth.passwords Custom passwords list, match the above usernames order (special characters warning) ["infisical"]
mongodb.auth.databases Custom databases list (special characters warning) ["infisical"]
mongodb.auth.rootUser Database root user name root
mongodb.auth.rootPassword Database root user password root
mongodb.auth.existingSecret Existing secret with MongoDB(®) credentials (keys: mongodb-passwords, mongodb-root-password, mongodb-metrics-password, mongodb-replica-set-key) ""
mongodb.persistence.enabled Enable database persistence true
mongodb.persistence.existingClaim Existing persistent volume claim name ""
mongodb.persistence.resourcePolicy Keep the persistent volume even on deletion (keep or "") keep
mongodb.persistence.accessModes Persistent volume access modes ["ReadWriteOnce"]
mongodb.persistence.size Persistent storage request size 8Gi
mongodbConnection.externalMongoDBConnectionString Deprecated ⚠️ External MongoDB connection string
Use backendEnvironmentVariables.MONGO_URL instead

Ingress parameters

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled Enable ingress true
ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class name nginx
ingress.nginx.enabled Ingress controller false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hostName Ingress hostname (your custom domain name, e.g. ""
ingress.tls Ingress TLS hosts (matching above hostName) []

Mailhog parameters

Name Description Value
mailhog.enabled Enable Mailhog false
mailhog.fullnameOverride Fullname override mailhog
mailhog.nameOverride Name override ""
mailhog.image.repository Image repository lytrax/mailhog
mailhog.image.tag Image tag latest
mailhog.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
mailhog.containerPort.http.port Mailhog HTTP port (Web UI) 8025
mailhog.containerPort.smtp.port Mailhog SMTP port (Mail) 1025
mailhog.ingress.enabled Enable ingress true
mailhog.ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class name nginx
mailhog.ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
mailhog.ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
mailhog.ingress.hosts[0].host Mailhog host mailhog.infisical.local

Redis parameters


The database persistence is enabled by default, your volumes will remain on your cluster even after uninstalling the chart. To disable persistence, set this value mongodb.persistence.enabled: false

Local development

Find the resources and configuration about how to setup your local develoment environment on a k8s environment.


To create a local k8s environment, you'll need :

  • helm required
    • to generate the manifests and deploy the chart
  • local/remote k8s cluster required
  • kubectl optional
    • to interact with the cluster


Find complete setup scripts in ./examples

Below example will deploy the following :

  • infisical.local

    • Your local Infisical instance
    • You may have to add infisical.local to your /etc/hosts or similar depending your OS
      • The corresponding IP will depend on the tool or the way you're exposing the services (learn more)
  • mailhog.infisical.local

    • Local SMTP server used to receive the emails (e.g. signup verification code)
    • You may have to add mailhog.infisical.local to your /etc/hosts or similar depending your OS
      • The corresponding IP will depend on the tool or the way you're exposing the services (learn more)

Use below values to setup a local development environment, adapt those variables as you need


If you're running a k8s cluster with ingress-nginx, you can run one of the below scripts :

# With 'kind' + 'helm', to create a local cluster and deploy the chart

# With 'helm' only, if you already have a cluster to deploy the chart


Here's the step-by-step instructions to setup your local development environment. First create the below file :


# Enable mailhog for local development
    enabled: true

# Configure backend development variables (required)
  SITE_URL: https://infisical.local
  SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS: dev@infisical.local
  SMTP_FROM_NAME: Local Infisical
  SMTP_HOST: mailhog
  SMTP_PORT: 1025
  SMTP_SECURE: false
  SMTP_USERNAME: dev@infisical.local

# Configure frontend development variables (required)
  SITE_URL: https://infisical.local

After creating the above file, run :

# Fetch the required charts
helm dep update

# Install/upgrade Infisical
helm upgrade --install --atomic \
  -n infisical-dev --create-namespace \
  -f ./ \
  infisical-dev .


Find the chart upgrade instructions below. When upgrading from your version to one of the listed below, please follow every instructions in between.

Here's a snippet to upgrade your installation manually :

# replace below '<placeholders>' with your own values
helm upgrade --install --atomic \
  -n "<your-namesapce>" --create-namespace \
  -f "<your-values.yaml>" \
  <your-release-name> .

Since we provide references to the k8s secret resources within the pods, their manifest file doesnt change and though doesnt reload (no changes detected). When upgrading your secrets, you'll have to do it through Helm (a timestamp field will be updated and your pods restarted)


  • Auto-generation for the following variables, to ease your future upgrades or setups :

We've migrated the applications' environment variables into secrets resources, shared within the deployments through envFrom. If you upgrade your installation make sure to backup your deployments' environment variables (e.g. encryption key and jwt secrets).

The preference order is :

  • user-defined (values file or inline)
    • existing-secret (for existing installations, you don't have to specify the secrets when upgrading if they already exist)
      • auto-generated (if none of the values above have been found, we'll auto-generate a value for the user, only for the above mentioned variables)


  1. Make sure you have all the required environment variables defined in the value file (or inline --set) you'll provide to helm
    1. e.g. All the above mentioned variables
  2. Backup your existing secrets (safety precaution)
    1. with below snippets
  3. Upgrade the chart, with the instructions
    1. It'll create a secret per service, and store the secrets/conf within (auto-generate if you don't provide the required ones)
    2. It'll link the secret to the deployment through envFrom
    3. It'll automatically remove the hard-coded env.* variables from your infisical deployments
  4. Make sure that the created secrets match the ones in your backups
    1. e.g. kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <release-name>-backend --template={{.data.ENCRYPTION_KEY}} | base64 -d
  5. You're all set!


Here's some snippets to backup your current secrets before the upgrade (⚠️ it requires jq) :

# replace the below variables with yours (namespace + app)
namespace=infisical; app=infisical; components="frontend backend"

for component in $components; do
  dpl=$(kubectl get deployment -n $namespace -l app=$app -l component=$component \
    -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

  kubectl get deployments -n $namespace $dpl \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[*]}' | \
    jq -r '.name + ":" + .value' > infisical-$component-conf.bak